Hudgik Books and DVDs

Steve Hudgik

Books and DVDs by Steve

Steve writes books, produces videos, creates web sites, and teaches for three reasons:


Proclaim the Gospel

We proclaim the gospel in all that we do... books, videos, web sites, and in outreaches. The greatest need everyone has is to repent and trust in Jesus to satisfying God's wrath for their disobedience... in other words for Jesus Christ to know them.


Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth comes through the Holy Spirit using scripture to increase knowledge and grows us to be closer to the image of Jesus Christ. This can happen only after a person repents and trusts Jesus as their Savior. We teach Biblical truths starting with a focus on the foundation of Genesis chapters 1 through 11.


Biblical Discernment

We equip people to be aware of false teaching and have the ability to defend their faith. 1 Peter 3:15 says, "Always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."